Hire Assets, not Liabilities
No background check is complete without a Polygraph Test: Background Checks, Reference Checks,
Employment History, Drug Abuse, Theft from previous employers, Criminal Record, Gambling Habits, Financial History,
Expect the following questions: Have you ever used any type of illegal drug-, stolen any money-, engaged in any type of criminal act-, engaged in any type of domestic violence?
Periodic Tests
Periodic Tests
Specific Incidents
Effective Risk- and Misconduct Management
Something happened: Who did it, where can I find the evidence, were others involved, did anyone plan to target our business,
Missing money, armed robbery, claims of missing stock, infidelity, murder, rape, sexual harassment, internal theft, fraud and corruption, missing people, sexual molestation claims, sexual offenders, relationship disputes, partnership disagreement,
Expect the following questions: Did you take that item-, Do you know where the missing item/s are, Do you know if others are involved, Are you part of a plan?
Don’t let their past become your future
Employees and other key people’s risk assessment status can change without your knowledge,
We will ensure they have been in-line with your rules and requirements,
Cleanup procurement problems, enhance relationships with customers and service providers,
Expect the following questions: Since (date), did you ever steal-, break any rules-, cover-up for another-, fail to report misconduct-, offer/accept bribes?